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Mental Health (Treatment and Protection) Act, 2006

House of Representative 2063

In accordance to the announcement of the House of Representative 2063, this act has been formulated within the first year of announcement to rehabilitate the people with mental disorders in the society by taking timely care of the mental diseases and safeguard the fundamental rights of persons with mental disorders.


स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धि ऐन र नियमावलीहरू

स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालय

प्रस्तावनाः नेपालमा बालकहरुलाई बिफर आउन नदिनका लागि अनिवार्य रुपले खोपाउने व्यवस्था गर्न वाञ्छनीय भएकोले, श्री महाराजाधिराज महेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेवबाट राष्ट्रिय पञ्चायतको सल्लाह सम्मतिले यो ऐन बनाईबक्सेकोछ . संक्षिप्त नाम, विस्तार प्रारम्भ :

() यो ऐनको नामबिफर नियन्त्रण ऐन, २०२०रहेकोछ

() यो ऐन नेपाल सरकारबाट समय समयमा नेपाल राजपत्रमा प्रकाशित सूचनाद्वारा तोकिदिएको ठाउहरुमा तोकिएको मितिदेखि लागू हुनेछ

 . परिभाषा विषय वा प्रस·ले अर्को अर्थ नलागेमा यस ऐनमा,–

() “बालकभन्नाले १२ वर्ष पूरा नभएको व्यक्ति सम्झनु पर्छ () “स्थानीय क्षेत्रभन्नाले नगरपालिका वा गाउविकास समितिको नियन्त्रणमा रहेको क्षेत्रलाई सम्झनु पर्छ () “प्राथमिक खोपभन्नाले बालकको पहिलो सफल खोप सम्झनु पर्छ

National HIV strategic Plan 2016-21

Ministry of Health

After Nepal’s first case of HIV was diagnosed in 1988, the epidemic increased rapidly in the 1990s through injecting drug use. This was successfully brought under control. Although injecting drug use is still an important route of transmission of HIV in Nepal, the current major mode of HIV transmission is sexual, accounting for 85% of new infections. At the time of development of the National HIV Strategic Plan, at the end of 2015, there were an estimated 39 397 people living with HIV in Nepal, with an adult HIV prevalence of 0.2%. New HIV infections peaked in 2000 and then declined rapidly and significantly from over 7 500 in 2000 to 1 331 in 2015.

National Policy on Skilled Birth Attendants

Ministry of Health and Population

The Government of Nepal (GoN) has a long history of commitment to improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes, most recently evidenced by the high priority given to the National Safe Motherhood Programme within the Nepal Health Sector Programme Implementation Plan (NHSP-IP 2004-2009).  Despite important gains over the past 15 years, the maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rates remain high (539 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births1 and neonatal mortality rate of 39/1000 live births1), largely due to the lack of skilled attendance at birth, as well as poor referral systems and lack of access to life-saving emergency obstetric care when complications occur.


Nepal Health Centre Programme-Implementation Plan(2004-2009)

Ministry of Health

His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMGN) is committed to bringing about tangible changes in the health-sector development process. The aim is to provide an equitable, high quality health care system for the Nepalese people. Towards this aim, and in line with the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Millennium Development Goal and the Tenth Five-Year Plan 2002-7, HMGN has formulated the Health Sector Strategy: An Agenda for Reform 2003.


Nepal Malaria Strategic Plan 2014-2025

Ministry of Health and Population

Malaria continues to be a public health priority in Nepal with a national aim of a malaria-free Nepal by 2026. The country has surpassed targets set by the Millennium Development Goals and is positioned to eliminate indigenous malaria transmission.  The  modified malaria strategic plan 2014-2025 presented here takes into consideration the results of  microstratification of malaria risk areas-2012, the midterm program review 2013, the current epidemiology and updated WHO guidelines, particularly for vector control and insecticide resistance management. This plan has inherent Government of Nepal’s commitment and seeks appraisal of external development partners, including the Global Fund, for possible external funding and technical assistance.


सुरक्षित गर्भपतन सम्बन्धी राष्ट्रिय नीति २०६०

स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालय

विश्वमा अति उच्च मातृमृत्युदर भएका मुलुकहरु मध्ये नेपाल पनि एक हो प्रति एकलाख जीवित जन्ममा औषत ५३९ जना महिलाहरुको मृत्यु हुने गरेको छ१ मातृ मृत्यु अति उच्च हुनका कारणहरु मध्ये असुरक्षित गर्भपतन एउटा प्रमुख कारणको रुपमा रहेको विभिन्न अध्ययन, अनुसन्धानहरुले पनि गर्भपतन मातृ मृत्युदर बीच घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध रहेको देखाएका छन्  अस्पतालमा आधारित एक अध्ययनबाट अस्पतालमा हुने कूल मृत्यु मध्ये आधा भन्दा वढी मातृ मृत्यु गर्भपतनका कारणले हुने गरेको ज्ञात हुन आएको छ२ समुदायमा आधारित गर्भपतन सम्बन्धी अर्को अध्ययनका आधारमा नेपालमा लुकीछिपी गर्भपतन गराउने १५ वर्षदेखि ४९ वर्ष सम्मका महिलाहरुमा प्रति हजार ११७ मातृ मृत्यु रहेको अनुमान गरिएको छ३ स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयद्वारा मातृ मृत्युदर रोगको चापका ९ःयचदष्मष्तथ० सम्बन्धमा गरिएको अध्ययनले अस्पत्ताल भर्ना हुने प्रसूति सम्बन्धी कूल विरामीहरु मध्ये ५४ प्रतिशत गर्भपतनका कारणले भर्ना हुने गरेको देखाएको छ४

National HIV and AIDS Action Plan

Ministry of Health and Population

Central to Nepal’s National HIV and AIDS Strategy 2006-2011 is the call to scale up universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support. This is a continuation of the National HIV and AIDS Strategy 2002-2006 that remains strongly in accordance with the aim to accelerate Nepal’s response to HIV and AIDS in order to stay ahead of the epidemic. To carry this out, a National Action Plan on HIV and AIDS 20062008 was developed through a multisectoral participative consultation. A successor plan is necessary for sustaining the gains achieved in past years, addressing the gaps and emerging challenges, and responding to the changing needs and realities that Nepal faces in relation to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.


Nepal National Advocacy Plan on HIV and AIDS

Ministry of Health

Advocacy plan provides comprehensive guidelines to the concerned advocacy group/s to concentrate their efforts to ensure change. It explains the major issue that need to be addressed by the advocates as the specific target area on which advocacy needs to be continued. The advocacy group/s should be clear on their goal and objectives that help them to be focused, persistent and to have patience in their efforts. Similarly, the advocacy group/s should also identify the advocacy partners who can influence the change and take collaborative actions.